Have you ever cast your 3 mana commander for 19 just so you could attack with your boat (Skysovereign, Consul Flagship)? Were your efforts then invalidated by a momentary blink on the Thragtusk you attempted to hit and run with said boat? Did you then also forget to draw a card with your commander’s trigger? I really hope not because that sounds devastating for anyone, but for me that was exhilarating.
Do you like eldrazi? Good, because I love when my friends play the largest, most broken spells in the game. Every card in my hand is a random card from your deck so the larger the better. Of note these are still their cards so keeping them alive is paramount if you want to keep them. They should feel grateful that you’ve made such a commitment though. They’ve been invited to an exclusive team, nevermind that team consists of the og magic villain. Sharing is caring after all. If for some reason this teamwork doesn’t sit well with you, you can easily use me as a scapegoat for annihilating your opponents for you with your cards. You’re welcome!
trust me, you didn't need these swamps anyways Lastly, always believe in the heart of the cards. Do you need a counterspell? Spending 7 mana and ditching 2 cards to target the blue player probably has like a 20% chance of hitting a counterspell and like those are odds. Do you need a board wipe? Just cycle your mana rocks like Mind Stone or Hedron Archive. You either draw a board wipe or another mana rock so what do you have to lose? Remember your commander is 3 mana and can draw you cards so sending him to the field early can really add up. If they kill him, your combo mana went from 10 to 12 like whatever you probably drew like 3 cards. Maybe you even got some brownie points from the player who really needed one more card and you’re gonna need a favor for later. Trust me ;)